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NCS is a Record Label dedicated to giving a platform to the next generation of Artists in electronic music, representing genres from house to dubstep via trap, drum & bass, electro pop and more.

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NCS is a Record Label dedicated to giving a platform to the next generation of Artists in electronic music, representing genres from house to dubstep via trap, drum & bass, electro pop and more. Audio Library is a YouTube channel dedicated to search, catalog, sort and publishes free music for content creators. These include variants of DJ-friendly, dancefloor-focused music – think deep house, techno, tech-house, trance, EDM, electro, drum & bass, disco, dubstep, grime and breakbeat – as well as more laidback or esoteric genres such as ambient, Balearic, jazz, international sounds, and industrial music. アクション&スポーツロイヤリティフリーミュージックを厳選。永遠の権利、世界中で利用可能な確実性。肉体の極限に挑戦するスポーツビデオから冒険旅行、命知らずのスタントまで、あらゆる音楽をご用意しています。